ALEX FRANCIS Music Promotions Interview

  1. How are your current live shows going? 

Great! Summer’s super busy which I’m thrilled about. I’m breaking in a bunch of new material as well as putting mileage onto the songs from my upcoming EP, so it’s a great exercise at the very least! I’m also experimenting with how I’m presenting the set, involving live percussion for the first time. 

  1. Tonight at The Lower third such an intimate venue how do you prepare for something intimate like this one? What are your thoughts after you come off stage? The venue reminds me of Grace, it has that intimate real acoustic vibe about it. 

It’s a beautiful space, they’ve done an amazing job on restoring the building. I think more than anything, the hope for an intimate show like tonight is that I can translate the dynamic that I’m hoping to give to the audience is a most engaging way, that they’ll catch on go with me! 

  1. How do you decide on the set list for each show? 

At the moment, it’s quite straight forward given I’m showcasing songs from the EP, but also a fun exercise as there are several new compositions that I’m wanting to get to know properly – you really have to learn your way around each song individually when it comes to live performance, I believe. 

  1. Your set is a mix of more up lifting songs and some really heart felt ballads, how long so you spend putting your set list together? 

I love the idea of the story through a set – the pick me up moment, but also the intimate, fragile nature of certain songs and how that contrast can help illuminate all of the things I love when I perform. It’s always a hope I can go “high and low” with an audience! 

  1. Do you ever get pre show nerves? What are the pre show rituals (if you have any) 

Always a vocal warm up. I definitely feel most confident after I’ve spent a few minutes getting match ready. In terms of “nerves” – there is always an “anticipation” and a “hope” that the audience will engage with what I’m bringing to the stage. 

  1. Last year you supported Harley Moon Kemp, how was that for you? 

Harley’s a friend for many years now and I’m always impressed by her energy and her get up and go. She’s a perfect example of how hungry you have to be to get it all over the line! 

  1. You have performed together before including at this year’s Black Deer festival have you any plans for any joint concerts? 

We did actually consider getting up on stage for our respective festival runs this summer, so we will see if the stars align on that! 

  1. Can you talk more about your single with Harley “Faith In You” ? The story behind it?

I was invited to sing on “Faith in You” a couple of months ago whilst Harley was finalising the songs for her “Lone Ranger” EP. It was a great experience, we tracked it at KONK studios in North London – an amazing space. The song, from what I understand, is a love letter to those in life you can trust the most. It’s a beautiful notion to stick together, through thick and thin. I’m honoured to have been part of it! 

  1. You also performed together at Gibson guitars in London how was that? 

A great experience, Gibson are extremely supportive of us both and they’ve got an amazing show room space they’ve recently developed at their London office. 

  1. Is Gibson guitars the guitars you use? At what age did you pick up the guitar? Acoustic or electric do you have a preference? 

I have a few different guitars, all distinct personalities! I use a Gibson J-35 for most live shows, it’s a workhorse – old faithful! I first started playing when I was around 16 years old. No preference, but I will more often pick up an acoustic and see what comes out. 

  1. What advice would give you anyone wanting to pick up the guitar or any instrument? 

I think never forget the mystery of an acoustic instrument – you’ve never really mastered it and you’re never really able to know what magic it might give to you, next. It’s that mystique that has always kept me enamoured to the guitar, and other instruments too. 

  1. How long do you spend rehearsing before each of your shows?

That can depend entirely on logistics and life! I always endeavour to be able to run the set list I have designed. But I also love routining details of songs, segue’s, anything dynamic. 

  1. You are currently working on new music. Anything you can talk about? 

I can indeed! I have a new four-track EP arriving next month that I am super proud of and very excited to share! I’ve been working on it with my producers Mark Taylor and Patrick Mascall, and we’re all really proud of the shape it’s taken. 

  1. What is your creative process when you are songwriting?

I think the only thing I try not to do is force an idea too much. I’m quite a believer in “when it comes, it comes” with writing and not getting too stressed about the idea of “when”. In my experience, good ideas really do show themselves when they’re good and ready! Once I’ve got something I’m excited about, I’ll tackle the melody first and then spend time on the lyric. 

  1. What music are you streaming right Right now I’m heavily in on the new Marcus King record “Mood Swings” and I’m also tucking into my buddy Gareth Dunlop’s new record “Welcome to the House of I Don’t Know”
  2. What else live wise do you have coming up? 

I’ve got a whole host of festival shows coming up this summer across the country, as well as some exciting support shows in August and September. 

  1. Where can you be found on socials? 


  1. Final Messages? 

Thanks for taking the time to interview me, and I’ll see you again at a show soon hopefully! 






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