Hunter Daily Music Promotions Interview

Hunter Daily Music Promotions Interview

How did you find the ’Leah Kate’ ”Super Over” tour? Did you have any pre-tour expectations? 

I didn’t know what to expect but ’Leah’ was very kind and was openhearted, so easy to open for and very sharing.
I had a really good time getting to know her. 
I think we’re gonna hang out a lot more now that we are back. 

We just had a good tour, Leah’s fans are incredible, and so supportive. 
Some of the fans come to every single show, which I think is crazy in the most amazing way possible.

It’s those fans that make every night for me because they are singing the words, they are cheering me on, If there’s a blip in the set, they are like, no. No. No, Wait, “You forgot this”, I’m like, “Oh shit”!! It’s amazing, I felt grateful to get to know them and share them with Leah and the other openers.

Any Collaboration with Leah maybe? 

I think that, potentially, it was the right song, for myself and Leah. 
I think I’m leaning towards more of a singer-songwriter, almost like a folk-pop, like, Americana Lane right now for the next couple of songs potentially, I don’t think that would fit with Leah’s brand. 
It just depends on the progression of where I want the next projects to go, but I would love to work with Leah, if something was the right fit, I’m sure we’d make it happen. 

What were some of your favorite memories from being on tour? 

Honestly, just meeting and getting to personally know the fans. 
I feel like there were a lot of fans that were like “I know this girl now”. “We’ve hung out” and we’ve had lots of conversations. 
There was one fan who wrote a handwritten letter, from a bunch of different girls. 
She basically, asked a bunch of girls online that went to the shows if they would like to write me something, and she sat there and handwritten every single note on a really cute heart notebook, she wrote out everybody’s thoughts and feelings about the tour and my how my music affects them and all this pretty memorable stuff. 
Getting to see the different cities, I haven’t been to a lot of places around Europe or the UK.
I’ve been to London and I’ve been to Paris, that’s about it; so, to get to see the surrounding places and get a little bit of the culture in each city was incredible. 

Was there anywhere in particular that you’ve been that you fell in love with straight away? Is there any particular, scenery, special spots, or anything?

Honestly, I loved all of the cities. I think Amsterdam stuck out to me as it was a really beautiful day that we were there, So I think that had some of the effect, It was sunny the weather was perfect, everyone was bike riding, reading books and picnicking, and on boats with their friends.
I just thought, wow; this is spectacular. This is a cool place to live. 
Our last night was in Dublin, and we went to a pub, it just felt so unlike LA, I was like, wow this is fun this feels like something new that I haven’t experienced before. 

Have you got any more tours lined up? 
Not at this moment, but I’m working on it. 

Will you be releasing a vlog of your trips around the UK and Europe? 

We have so much footage, from the tour that we are working on right now there are hours and hours of footage from this tour, and I’m going put it on YouTube so that people can watch it just as a little memorabilia from me and everybody who was on tour. 

Your most recent song ”Like You Used To” what Is the story behind it?

Honestly, that song was written 2 years ago and it’s been something I’ve wanted to put out since the day we wrote it. 
I remember I had been struggling in my relationship, it went from feeling like we were lovers to just roommates or people just living and passing with each other, it was heartbreaking, I kept trying to get my point across about how I was feeling, feeling alone in our home that was supposed to be a place for memories and love and he just wasn’t getting it, so I ended up writing that song. 
I had to sing it in front of him so many times, but eventually, it did make its mark about where it came from, a heartbroken girl who wrote it; who felt like she wasn’t being seen by her partner the way that she wanted to be and that girl being me. 

Do you ever find it hard to sing certain songs like your current single? 

It honestly just depends on the show. There were some shows that I was way more emotional, and there were some shows that I was less.

I think that when you sing the same song over and over again, you have to constantly refine the meaning for yourself because you may not connect with that heartbreak that day, but you may connect with a different kind of heartbreak, and you have to find that within yourself so that you can tell your story and hopefully connect with people. 
But there were nights when I felt extremely emotional and how I was feeling that day and also just the energy of the crowd, If someone in front of me was super emotional, I would feel that and see their heartbreak I’m very empathic, so I would take in a lot, and that would affect my performance as well. 

The video, for the single, it’s really simple, but it’s it’s kind of emotional realism at the same time.
Where did you shoot the music video? 

We shot it, 3 or 4 hours outside of Los Angeles, in a place called the Cuyama Valley, which has these really beautiful rolling hills and just vast mountains. 
We drove out there for one day of shooting.

It was raining we were not supposed to have as much rain as we did and we just kinda kept driving as far as we could to escape the rain and find a little patch of sunlight so the fact that it came out as well as it did is honestly awesome because it rained the entire day. 

From all the different singles that you’ve released, are you planning to put an album out at some point, or are the singles the focus right now? 

I think that right now with the economy of music, it’s important to keep releasing music and not wait too long before putting new music out I’m trying to churn out music as fast as possible, but also keeping quality in mind because I’m a perfectionist and I want to put out a great body of work. 
We put out 3 singles just now ”Like you used to”
”California Poppies” and ”Girl Friend”. 
Right now I am in the process of figuring out the next project. 
I definitely want to put out a body of work and not just do singles but it may get released as a couple singles and then the body of work will follow. 

As a songwriter, what would you say is your creative process? 

I would say my creative process used to be just writing in my bedroom by myself and now it’s more collaborative, I enjoy writing and bringing my magic and letting someone else bring theirs, and seeing what we can make.

So usually, I’ll sit in my bedroom and kind of do the same thing that I’ve always done, which is just twiddle on the guitar and see what comes out and then usually bring whatever idea that I have into my session whenever I have that and let the rest fall out, that’s been my process recently, but it always changes. 
Some days, I bring an idea into the studio, and we aren’t feeling that, so we pivot and try something fresh that works sometimes. My song “California Poppies” was one of those days where I kind of had an idea, and we scrapped it and wrote something different and that’s where that song came from. 

Are there any songwriters, that you’d love to sit down and have a songwriting session with? 

I definitely would love to work with ’Amy Allen’. I think she’s really talented.

I think that ’Dan Nigro’ is very talented because of everything he’s doing with ’Olivia Rodrigo’ and ’Chappell Roan’. I would be curious to get in a room with them and see what kind of music we could make.

You are an actress as well are there any projects that you’ve got coming up that you could talk about?

I did just film a movie, called ”On the Take” that should be coming out soon. 
I’ve been reading a lot of scripts and getting a lot of offers, but I think that music has been my priority for the last year, if it’s not a remarkable part and a remarkable project, I’ve kind of been choosy with it.
My dream is to merge acting and music and do a movie musical. I’ve been dying to do something like that my whole life. 

Do you have a top 3, dream list of films or TV shows that you’d you’d love to be a part of?

Some of my favorite movies of all time are 
”Almost Famous” and ”Moulin Rouge”. Those are my faves that I hold very dearly. 
I like the director ’Baz Luhrmann’ a lot. Something like that, combined with music and movies, I would love to do. 

I love Daisy Jones and the Six, I thought that was well done I think it was a limited series. I don’t know if it’ll be happening again, but, something in that world would be ideal. I also like sci-fi.

There was a show, about an apocalypse called “Fallout”, that’s something that would be fun to shoot.
I don’t know if they will do another Mamma Mia if they did that would be amazing, I would do that in a heartbeat.

With huge thanks to Hunter Daily for this interview.








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